Student Highlight: Amogh

Sweaty palms, shortness of breath, a racing heartbeat, and even nervous laughter. The same symptoms one might feel before riding a rollercoaster or going on a first date are the same feelings one might have when taking an important test. You might be reading this and think, “Yep, that’s me, all right!” It may be comforting to know that you are not the only one who deals with the pressure of preparing for testing. Thankfully, you can learn from the success story and helpful advice of Amogh, a student attending KD College Prep’s Frisco campus.

Amogh remembers how his parents were encouraged to register him for the program due to the success stories of their friends. Over time, Amogh felt that the practice tests and reviews that he took with consistency helped him overcome his testing anxiety and the discouragement he had sometimes experienced. Eventually, Amogh saw a 750 point increase on his SAT ® test! KD College Prep gave him the tools to view college admission exams as a pathway to his goals rather than formidable obstacles.

Overcoming debilitating emotions is just as integral to the testing process as actually taking tests and coming to workshops. Amogh sympathizes with students who experience feelings of anxiety by saying, “All too often, I found myself feeling discouraged after performing poorly on a test or attending a particularly tough workshop; the anxiety would slowly creep back in. Learning to believe in myself and my capability and not giving up was by far the most difficult trial. However, with persistence and diligence, I did achieve my goals and even surpassed them.”

Amogh wishes to encourage other students by saying, “KD is here to help you, not discourage you. When you find that you are unhappy with your performance, stay calm and trudge onwards to work even harder. You have to work for your score; never stop working for it. Don’t expect to get anywhere through complacency; you have to be willing to sacrifice time and energy to sit down and do what KD tells you to do. Practice tests are your friends! Take advantage of them. Finally, don’t give up and get upset; fight the anxiety. Believe in yourself. The score comes from within you. I was once in your shoes, too, constantly worrying about my future and my scores, but I ended up okay. You will, too. Trust yourself and the program. Never stop putting in the work.”

Knowing that this productive work ethic will continue into college, Amogh is thankful for the foundation of discipline that KD College Prep has helped him form. Amogh has a strong desire to help others through either neurology or psychology. He wants to be successful, not only financially, but also in terms of happiness and having a family. He knows that with the tools and resources he has gained at KD College Prep, he no longer will be mastered by the anxiety he once had. He has overcome it. He now is able to look forward to his future with confidence and wants to lead others along that same path.

What about your future? Are you frozen by the fear and unknowns of preparing for college admissions? Maybe you have hesitated at getting started with the preparation you know you need because it means dealing with your fears head on. Don’t think that you have to do this alone. We have helped hundreds of students just like you overcome the fears that once held them back Don’t hesitate any longer! Now is the time to conquer the fears of the present to achieve the dreams of tomorrow. You really can do it with KD!

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