On-Demand Core Program
The On-Demand Core Program is designed for 7th-12th grade students who prefer to prepare for the SAT® and ACT® tests on their own time. Students have six months of online access to on-demand videos featuring our proprietary curriculum and expert instruction. NOTE: The On-Demand Core Program prepares students for the digital version of the SAT® test and the paper-based version of the ACT® test.
The On-Demand Core Program contains more than 80 hours of student activity and on-demand instruction and is built on several foundational elements that all work together for a student’s maximum success: Lessons and Bonus Lessons, Homework Activities, Targeted Practice, and Practice Tests with Reviews.
Please Note: This course does DOES NOT include live instruction or any printed materials. If you’re looking for this level of service, check out our Complete or Advanced Start programs.
Let’s take a look at everything that’s included in the On-Demand Core Program.
What’s Included
Core Lessons for the Digital SAT Test & Paper ACT Test
These lecture-style lessons use our proprietary curriculum in an instructor-led, on-demand video format to teach students content and concepts from the national tests, how to approach question types, and how to apply specific strategies to get answers quickly and confidently. There are six math lessons and six verbal lessons that the student attends at his or her convenience via our online student portal. All lessons help prepare students for the content found on both the SAT and ACT tests.
Bonus Lessons for the ACT Test
Students will have access to a set of five additional lessons that provide more in-depth instruction for the unique content found on the ACT test.
Homework Activities
For extra practice, each core lesson contains 30-45 minutes of targeted homework with sample problems of varying difficulty to reinforce what was learned during that specific lesson. Homework answers and explanations are also provided in an instructor-led video format.
Students will have access to 12 on-demand homework activities.
Targeted Practice
These activities allow students to focus on specific content areas and problem types—typically the parts of the tests that students struggle with the most—and to practice implementing what they’ve from the Lessons and Homework. Targeted Practice includes both SAT and ACT concepts.
Practice Tests and Reviews
The On-Demand Core Program includes a total of six practice tests: three digital practice tests that simulate the SAT test and three paper tests that simulate the ACT test. Full-length practice tests for both tests help students build mental endurance and put it all together.
Students can take practice tests at their convenience and will receive a detailed score report identifying strengths and weaknesses. Each test includes an on-demand, instructor-led review in which teachers explain each problem on the test, common mistakes students make, and how to effectively find the correct answer.
Program Fees & Payment Options
What payment options are available?
You can pay in full online at ondemand.kdcollegeprep.com.
Pay in full:
* This program does NOT include live instruction or any printed materials.
Reach out to schedule your free consultation today.