Student Highlight: Alex

Most people look at an iceberg and just notice the peak, not the massive foundation underneath the surface. And so it goes with successful students: people see the success story and don’t realize all of the hard work and diligence underneath that success. Alex is an example of such a story.

A student at Westlake Academy, Alex is an effervescent but humble young man. Polite to a fault, he is always happy to see you and doesn’t know that bad moods exist. KD was lucky to have him enroll as a sophomore. Initially he was hesitant about the idea, already busy with extra-curricular activities such as tennis and school clubs. Now, however, he is grateful that his parents pushed him and encouraged him to attend, and his drive allowed him to become a student worker in the KD office.

Alex’s original goal was to pursue Biology in college, but a summer experience at the NASA High School Aerospace Scholars program sparked his interest and changed his goal to Aerospace Engineering. After a visit to the Naval Academy, Alex knew that he wanted to serve his country and surround himself with like-minded individuals. After more investigation, the Air Force Academy felt like the perfect fit, and he began pursuing his new goal determinedly. His new-found determination drove him to make a plan and work towards it, which led to his improving his SAT® test score by 790 points and achieving a 35 on the ACT® test. Alex understands that if you put in the work, you will reap the rewards, and he wants to make sure that the younger generations read and internalize that message.

Alex’s hard work did, in fact, reap the rewards, and he was accepted into the Air Force Academy under the nomination of Congressman Michael Burgess in the spring of 2017. He now has a new goal to work towards—to be a good officer and, eventually, a good husband and father. That may seem like a far-off goal, but as Alex so eloquently puts it, “You’re growing up faster than you think.”

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