Best case scenario: You’ve got several acceptance letters from colleges that you are excited to attend.
You’re overjoyed and overwhelmed at the same time.
Whether you have a clear path or are still making a decision, here are some steps for you to take now that you’ve been accepted to college.
(Congratulations by the way!)
1. Still weighing your options
If you’re still weighing your options, this is a sign that you are making a careful and deliberate choice.
Ultimately, the best thing you can do is make a full pro-con list. Adding weighted values to the pro-con list can help you resolve any ties.
Which location is best? Which financial package is best? Which program or community is best? Make your assessment based on your most important criteria.
Most universities host a weekend to acclimate their accepted students. Register for and attend this event that is designed exactly for you.
If the weekend allows you to stay on campus, you could come away with an even better feel for the university’s culture and community than a day trip or campus tour could give you.
Be sure to seek out students in your intended major and talk to them about their experiences. If you can meet professors in your department, that is even better.
Sample cafeteria food. Try out the dorms. Test the gym.
Imagine yourself living there for the next four years.
It could be helpful to speak with current students at each university to learn more about the student experience. You might find out about some pros or cons that the campus tours didn’t reveal.
Think about contacting alumni as well. An alumnus can provide perspective about how his degree has served him in the workplace. Most people are delighted to answer questions about their college.
Be sure to discuss your decision with family members and mentors. While your college decision is ultimately yours, having the endorsement of your parents is very important, too.
Read about how former KD College Prep students picked the right college for them.
After all of this, you may have a gut feeling. Trust your instincts.
2. Ready to choose
If you’re ready to commit to a college and let them know your decision, here are some things to consider first.
Negotiate if Needed
Evaluate and negotiate your financial aid package before committing to the school if it is your first choice and finances are a concern. The university has already given you a highly positive response.
It’s completely acceptable at this point to contact the financial aid department to negotiate your offer. You can explain any extenuating circumstances and ask if the college can offer you anything else financially.
Be sure to keep the tone of the negotiation respectful since you’re likely to attend.
After you’ve collected all the information you can, it’s time to review and confirm your major and program options at each school.
Do a final check in with yourself. Are you excited? Do you have any worries or concerns that you need to resolve? It’s normal to be a little nervous. Before you make a final commitment it is important to confirm that your college choice is yours and that you haven’t let too many other voices get in the way.
3. After the final decision
After you’ve made your decision, you have a few more things to do.
The first thing, of course, is to celebrate your amazing accomplishment and get excited about this next big step in your life.
After that, it’s down to paperwork.
● Confirm your acceptance (and pay your deposit for the school)
● Complete housing paperwork as quickly as possible (it’s sometimes first-come-first-served)
● Decline your other acceptances so that waitlisted students can get their acceptances
● Join social media groups for your school and major so that you can begin to meet your peers
After your formal acceptance, your university’s admissions department will guide you through the specifics of what you need to do next. Hint: There’s probably more paperwork.
Don’t forget: Write thank you notes to people who helped you in your college application journey. Let them know where you were accepted. They will want to celebrate with you!
Finally, if you’re a KD College Prep student, let us know where you are going. This is our favorite time of the year! Tag us in your social media posts or come by one of our offices to take a picture with your acceptance letter! We’re so proud of you!