How Many Times Should You Take the SAT® or ACT® Tests?

Many students do not reach a score goal after their first attempt at taking the national tests. Fortunately, you can take both the SAT® and ACT® tests more than once. But how many times should you take the tests? Now, the answer to that question is complicated, and it will depend on your unique circumstances,


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When Should I Take the ACT® or SAT® Test?

Choosing the right time to take the ACT® or SAT® test can have a positive impact on your performance. You will need time to prepare beforehand, and you’ll want to settle on a date when you won’t be overwhelmed with extracurriculars, school work, or other factors. Deciding on the best test date for you will


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Practice Tests: The Key to Improving Your SAT®, ACT®, or PSAT Scores

Think of a practice test as a scrimmage before the big game – you can see what the test will entail without all of the pressure and then make adjustments based on how you perform. In fact, taking practice tests is considered to be one of the most effective study techniques. So if you really


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5 Tips to Improve Your SAT® Test Score

You’ve taken the test the first time around and received your scores. But you were hoping for a higher number. If you, like many students, will be taking the SAT® test more than once, try these 5 tips to improve your SAT test score on the next test. 1. Set a Target Score The first


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How to Improve Your ACT® Test Score

On the math section, you only get a minute per question. On the other sections of the ACT®, you get even less than that. (About 35 seconds for each English question, and about 50 seconds per question for the other two sections.) You’d think that having superhuman reading speed is the only way to improve


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Need targeted tutoring to reach your goals? We’ve got you covered!

Education shouldn’t be “one size fits all.” Classrooms can be wonderful learning environments, and most students complete the bulk of their education there with no issues, but in some situations, one-on-one instruction may be more beneficial. Some students learn better in a distraction-free space or with a certain kind of conceptual presentation, and a student


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4 Tips for Test Anxiety

Test anxiety doesn’t have to be all bad. Despite butterflies in the stomach, clammy palms, and lightheadedness that the morning of a test can cause, a healthy amount of test anxiety can actually be motivating. People who have experienced test anxiety will go a long way to avoid that feeling again—including making time to get


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Midterms Are Almost Here!Top 10 Tips to Do Your Best

Usually just the sound of the word “midterms” is enough to make high school students panic. Having a test in every subject within the same week can be excruciating. But it doesn’t have to be. Good study skills—plus mindful test-day preparation—will help high schoolers calm down and perform well on their midterms. Even better, these


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Test Prep Options – Choosing the Right Approach to Test Prep

There are different ways you can prep for your standardized tests. You can take a live-instruction course, online course, private tutoring, or self-study. Listed below are more details on different prep options. Live–Instruction Prep Courses/Classes There are a plethora of SAT® and ACT® prep live-instruction classes. Students can take these type of courses at school


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Top 4 Reasons to Finish Testing in 11th Grade

If you’re in 11th grade, you have a lot going on. That’s just a fact. And we totally get it. Not only are you probably ramping up your coursework including AP® classes, but you’re also more involved in your extracurricular activities, maybe have a part-time job, and are responsible for other commitments among your family


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